This Planet Videos March 2018
The big news this week is solar panels - now they can capture the power of falling rain! And one car maker is embedding solar cells in gorgeous roof tiles. There was a heartwarming dolphin rescue too. The bad news: we are still throwing away plastic that finds its way into the ocean.
Remember the Titanic? Yeah that's happening again. Also: electric cars are spreading and pesky mice are disappearing.
Can more snow be the result of less ice? Can you wake up to find a moose in your back yard? Can wind power save the world? Get the answers at THIS PLANET this week....
As Antarctica's sea ice shrinks, at least one penguin species is experiencing a population boom. And the movement towards 'living shorelines' is helping cities like New York protect against flooding.
Yes flamingos are returning to Florida - or maybe they never left. Either way it's cool, but a hot spell in Greenland can temper a good mood.