This Planet Videos October 2018
2014-17 was the worst coral bleaching event in history. But now, the reefs of Sulawesi Island, in the "Coral Triangle," are surprisingly healthy. These reefs are both less vulnerable to warm waters And positioned to help regenerate nearby degraded areas.
Arches National Park, Northeastern Utah: Researchers have a new way to tune in to the vibrations of natural arches. Each of these spectacular landmarks vibrates like a guitar string with its own distinct resonance ...its own "voice" The University of Utah research team is also imaging arches endangered by national monument cutbacks.
Pet lovers, prepare to be disappointed: Your cats and dogs are not as wonderful as you think. A new study shows that feral cats are not so great at killing wild rats. They prefer easier prey, like birds. But not big birds And dogs? New research found dogs are no smarter than wolves, horses or dolphins.