This Planet Videos August 2018
The population of king penguins in what was once the world's largest colony has plummeted by nearly 90 percent over the last 35 years and scientists don't know why. The Île aux Cochons colony in the southern Indian Ocean was also once the second largest colony of all penguins.
This Christmas Eve - December 24, 2018 -marks 50 years since this famous picture of Planet Earth was taken. Before that, space efforts were focus on the stars. But since then, NASA has launched scores of satellites to study the earth itself. Earth-observing satellites reveal rainfall patterns that help predict landslides.
August 5: a 6.9 magnitude earthquake in Lombok, Indonesia. Satellite images revealed that parts of Lombok island were lifted 10 inches. Other parts dropped by 2 to 6 inches. The temblor killed over 430 people.
A long hot summer in Norway. Summer temperatures in the nation's north usually average between 46° and 61°F. This year, they shot above 89°. Melting ice caused the death of one tourist exploring Norway's famous glaciers. Reindeer and sheep, seeking shade in roadway tunnels, caused 44 traffic collisions in July.
In rural Pennsylvania, the fracking boom has gone on for years. But things haven’t always turned out as expected The reality is, rural roads clogged with trucks, polluted water stored near clean sources, mysterious illnesses, and yeah, this But now, things are changing fast. In February 2018, an Environmental Defense Fund study revealed that leaking fossil fuel operations were emitting 100% more greenhouse gasses than were reported to the state. In May, a church pension fund led a shareholder revolt against Range Resources, demanding a review of emissions standards. And in June, Pennsylvania set limits – for the very first time -- on the release of the greenhouse gas methane by frackers.